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  Nr. 3398 de joi, 11 august 2005 
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Le Monde comments on Basescu's attack
Yesterday French daily Le Monde reviewed latest political events in Bucharest and explained reasons causing the conflict between the Romanian president and PM. The French daily noticed that the anxiety at the report on Romania's accession to the EU to come made president Traian Basescu intensify reforms required by Brussels officials. The author of the Le Monde article commented: "Disappointed with the slow �moving center-right government, the Romanian president coming to power last January has opened hostility against Liberal prime-minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu". They added the main charge the Romanian president pressed against the PM was that the latter had not kept the promise made during the election campaign: to do away with corruption. Given the context, Le Monde focussed on the president's reproaches to the Romanian Executive, whom he accused of taking action under the influence of "some occult groups of economic interests".
The French daily reminded about the latest dispute between Cotroceni Palace and Victor Palace and opined: "The strain between the president and the prime-minister has started amplifying after the Executive chief changed his "irrevocable decision" to resign twice." Le Monde noticed: "This decision would have been the only means to lead to early elections and allow for reinforcing the majority of the center-right coalition."" Le Monde also explained that the early election idea Basescu was so keen on should have got the Conservative Party out of the coalition at rule. The articled concluded: "PM Tariceanu's refusal to agree to early elections (...) caused the president to open real media war meant to destabilize a government whom he considered unable to face European challenges." (D.E.)
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