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  Nr. 3378 de marti, 19 iulie 2005 
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UNPD gave 130 000 USD for the victims of the floods
The Delegate Minister for the co-ordination of the General Secretariat of the Government (Rom. SGG), Mihai Voicu, informed yesterday in a press conference, that the United Nations Program for Development (UNPD) donated to the Romanian Government the sum of 130 000 USD, according to Rompres News Agency. The money was used for purchasing 14 pneumatic motor boats, equipped with all accessories necessary for intervening in the counties hit by the floods. The minister for the co-ordination of the General Secretariat of the Government, appreciated UNPD was extremely responsive to the request addressed by the Romanian Government, and passed extremely quickly through all the procedures necessary for the approvals in New York. Mihai Voicu added that the following amounts gathered up to now in the accounts opened by the General Secretariat of the Government at the Romanian Commercial Bank (Rom. BCR): 2 535 471,44 RON; 7 606,22 Euro; 37 168,99 USD, and other financial contributions from all the counties of the country.
Other 100 000 USD are to come
The deputy secretary general of the United Nations Organization, UNPD regional Director for Europe and the ISC community, Kalman Mizsei, was also present at the press conference and said that besides the 130 000 USD, UNPD would also offer the sum of 100 000 USD. The Government will also use this money for the needs of the people affected by the floods. Kalman Mizsei appealed to all institutions or persons that may contribute to the elimination of the effects of these floods, expressed his hope that the solidary effort of all people would lead to a quick elimination of the consequences of the floods.(R.A.)
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