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  Nr. 3378 de marti, 19 iulie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Evaluation reached to 21 dead people
Another person was found dead because of the floods in Maicanesti, Vrancea County, thus the total number of the victims of the swells of waters reaching 21 people. According to the latest data centralized yesterday, the number of dead persons following the floods increased to 21, most of the deaths - 14 - being recorded in Vrancea County. Besides, there are 94 000 ha of agricultural lands under waters, 696 destroyed houses and almost 2 000 damaged houses.
A r h i v a
  The Questions of Europe    
  Report of an announced resignation    
  Anticipated election, necessary for re-balancing the politic arena after 2004    
  Threat of dictatorship    
  Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mihai Razvan Ungureanu: Resignation, "a matter of hours"    
  Romania, from one rainfall to another    
  UNPD gave 130 000 USD for the victims of the floods    
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