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  Nr. 3359 de luni, 27 iunie 2005 
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Hayssam still arrested on terrorism charges
-- Tariceanu is interested in the information community
Magistrates from the High Court of Justice decided on Saturday to prolong precautionary arrest warrants against Omar Hayssam and Mohammad Munaf. This decision was in keeping with prosecutors' appeal against the decision to end arrest, reached by magistrates from Bucharest Court of Appeal. The latter had decided that proves in the case were insufficient and procedures null, as they had been carried out before the criminal inquiry against the Syrian businessman and his associated started. Baghdad witnesses' statements affirming the involvement of Hayssam and Munaf in the kidnapping of the Romanian journalists had been made in early April, whereas the investigation started at the end of May. Prosecutors from the High Court of Justice started canceling appeal against this decision reached by Bucharest Court of Appeal. Magistrates from the Supreme Court were in charge of this trial on Saturday. Decision was reached that Omar Hayssam would be under arrested at least till July 25. This is the third warrant against the Syrian businessman, coming after warrants in two different cases: Foresta Nehoiu and Volvo. (V.R., P.N.)
Romanian prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu claimed yesterday while in Alba Iulia that the future coordinator of the information community was an important matter. But he mentioned he knew about no projected ordinance on it. Tariceanu said: "The project hasn't reached my desk yet." He was asked if the government would issue ordinance next week to decide on the information community structure. The prime minister opined that such a project was to be achieved after debate and consulting. Tariceanu explained: "The Executive plays an important part in this matter". He said he wasn't really thinking about the subordination of the future information community. He also mentioned that as person he was wondering about the beneficiary of information services. The prime minister mentioned: "I think the president, the government, ministers and people having executive positions must have access to this product." (C.E.)
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