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  Nr. 3359 de luni, 27 iunie 2005 
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Gusa analyzes governmental activity
-- A weak government's 6-month activity
PIN (the National Initiative Party) president Cozmin Gusa criticized the government at rule on Saturday. He said that after 6 months the country had "a puppet government, led by a prime-minister part of the props" and that it could all be described as "the 6-month activity of a weak government". The independent deputy expressed his opinion during the reunion of PIN District Representatives, saying the present state of things effected from the fact that "ministers from PD (the Democrat Party), PC (the Conservative Party) or UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) obeyed party leaders or even President Traian Basescu to a rather large extent". In his view, this made the government "lack coherent action and coherent public communication." Gusa said PIN wanted an efficient government and that the PIN critique of present politics was meant to make rulers improve and become aware of "excess present in administrative life, as well as related to President Traian Basescu". Gusa mentioned that such excess was the consequence of the former executive's activity in 2001-2004, very keen on excess too." Gusa explains that very important missions to be accomplished, such as fiscal relaxation and rigor, turned into missions impossible to accomplish at present. Relying on analyses by PIN, Gusa warned that economic growth might get stuck and mentioned that this was the only achievement of the PSD (the Social Democrat) government. He opined that such consequence "would be dramatic." He also warned about the approach to foreign affairs and stated that as far as this is concerned, the government had practically left this up to Presidency. Gusa added this was in spite of the government's constitutional responsibility. He also opined that such approach effected in "amateurishly-conceived axes and diplomatic incidents with European partners."
10 conclusions about the Executive
Reunion attendants were presented a survey including 10 conclusions about the present government's 6-month activity. The survey had it that the government proved to be "incompetent and irresponsible" in handling new crises related to floods, medicine, transport. They also accused the Executive at rule of encouraging and using political "migration". PIN also criticized the government at rule for neglecting social protection and failing Justice reform. (R.G.)
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