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  Nr. 3339 de vineri, 3 iunie 2005 
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LATEST � In Brief
Out with Romania's General Attorney!
Romanian General Attorney's ill intentions and lack of professionalism have been proved. Bucharest Court of Appeal reached decision that Dinu Patriciu may be investigated for alleged accusations under no arrest because prosecutors in charge of investigations had broken the law. It was the General Attorney (Ilie Botos) himself who gave his word for prosecutors Adriana Cristescu and Georgiana Hosu. During one famous news conference when he was enraged and yelled to everybody, Botos gave his word for the two prosecutors' professionalism. It is unbelievable that he defended the latter's decision by invoking abrogated legal procedures. Justice reached irrevocable sentence on the arresting of Dinu Patriciu and sanctioned Ilie Botos's big mistakes. The court gave the file back to prosecutors Cristescu and Hosu, after reaching decision that it had been groundless to alert the court in the Petromidia case and that legal procedures had been broken as far as the case was concerned. Crimes in the returned case may no longer be invoked for eventually arresting Patriciu. The prosecutors subordinate to Ilie Botos are already being investigated by CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates).
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
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 Salvati copacii vietii! (29 afisari)
 Stiri pe scurt (29 afisari)
 Actiunea restituirea (27 afisari)
 S.O.S. Salvati Teatrul Evreiesc! (25 afisari)
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