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  Nr. 3336 de marti, 31 mai 2005 
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AmCham: Rompetrol Investigation "appears to be a violation of legal standards"
The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham) states, in a press release, its concern regarding the violation of the legal standards in the investigation of the Romanian businessman Dinu Patriciu. "The AmCham board of directors is concerned of what appears to be a violation of the procedure standards and of the non-observance of the legal regulations, revealed during the investigations and the charging of the ex and current management of the Rompetrol Group by the General Parquet, including the Rompetrol President Dinu Patriciu and two U.S. citizens", the AmCham press release says. According to AmCham, "it is essential that, within the framework of the reform of the judiciary system in Romania, criminal investigations take place in a neutral and quick manner, in a fully respect of the person's rights and procedural guarantees". At the same time, the American Chamber of Commerce points out, in the context of the process of Romania's accession to the European Union, the importance of an objective and equal deployment of the criminal cases in which citizens and investors, Romanian, American and of any other nationality are treated according to the national laws and the provisions of the international treaties regarding human rights and the protection of investments. "AmCham Romania is among the most active supporters of the reform of the judiciary system in Romania and of the harmonization of the national legislation with the EU provisions, by means of the EU Accession Committees, and the Justice Reform within the framework of the association, by supporting the strict observance of the laws, the transparency of the legislative process and the respect of the fundamental right of a person to an objective and just trial. The above-mentioned press release also shows that an efficient continuation of the reform of the judiciary system in Romania must ensure an objective and impartial treatment of foreign and local investors within the framework of a legal system, independent of the political interference.
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