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  Nr. 3333 de vineri, 27 mai 2005 
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LATEST � In Brief
Desperate appeal to Basescu for Romanians in Transdnistria
June 2 is one year since Romanian patriot Alexandru Ivantoc was freed from Transdnistria's prisons. But at that time two more Romanians stayed there: Andrei Ivantoc and Tudor Petrov-Popa. They are still imprisoned in Transdnistria because in the 90's they protested against aggression of the pro-Russian separatist group in Tyraspol on the Republic of Moldavia. Andrei Ivantoc and Tudor Petrov-Popa are still waiting for the Romanian state to take action and set them free. Eudochia, wife of Andrei Ivantoc, is desperately asking for help. She appeals to President Traian Basescu, asking the latter to free the two Romanian citizens. (G. COMAN)
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