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  Nr. 3333 de vineri, 27 mai 2005 
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EU scolds Germany because of Romania
-- The European Commission has reminded Germany that it will break a "clear assignment" taken by Berlin in case it prevents Romania's EU accession
The European Commission has warned Germany not to break the "clear assignment" it took, with view to supporting the accession to the European Union of Romania and Bulgaria, says US publication Bloomberg. The European Commission's attitude is a reaction to the statements made by the German Christian-Democrat opposition, who threatened on Wednesday to prevent the EU accession of Romania and Bulgaria, if France rejected the referendum on the EU Constitution on Sunday. Peter Hintze, spokesman of the German Christian-Democrat Union, stated on Wednesday: "Our position is very clear: the accession of Bulgaria and Romania must be postponed, in case the French say no to referendum on the European Constitution." Last week the EU accession treaties of Romania and Bulgaria were signed and by this Germany "took clear assignment to agree to the terms and conditions in which these two states can join the European Union". This is what Krisztina Nagy, spokeswoman of EU Commission for Enlargement Olli Rehn, said. Anyway, the EU representative has reminded that Germany can theoretically prevent Romania and Bulgaria from joining the EU, unless Berlin ratifies the two state's treaties of accession to the EU. (D.E.)
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