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  Nr. 3333 de vineri, 27 mai 2005 
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LATEST � In Brief
Terrorists arrested
Yesterday the Prosecutor's Office asked the Court of Appeal to issue warrants to arrest Omar Hayssam and Mohammad Munaf for terrorism. Prosecutors from the Organized Crime and Terrorism Investigation Department took Hayssam to court and asked for warrant to arrest Munaf. US authorities are still retaining the Iraqi-origin US citizen in Baghdad. The terrorism record is no. 540/P/ 2005. Evidence shows that plan to kidnap the journalists was set by Omar Hayssam, his brother in Iraq Mahmoud, Munaf and one Iraqi ally. The terrorist's target was to have Hayssam leave Romania, as he was forbidden to. There are stenograms, intercepted phone messages and more proves that have helped to the deciphering of such severe crimes. The Iraqi ally who phoned Hayssam to ask for S 4 million is also retained in Baghdad. Hayssam's brother made him call and he is now under arrest. Top secret information claims that money coming from Arab groups in Romania, Omar's included, have financed Islamist groups in the Middle East. Basescu stated that operations to save the three Romanian journalists are top secret file and will be unveiled in 50 years' time. Marie-Jeanne Ion, Sorin Miscoci and Ovidiu Ohanesian are over quarantine. Yesterday evening they had a meeting with the Romanian President in Cotroceni and then left home.
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