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  Nr. 3305 de sambata, 23 aprilie 2005 
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Basescu: octagonal structured negotiations for Transdnistria
President of Romanian Traian Basescu stated he wanted to change the structure of negotiations with view to finding solution to the crisis in Transdnistria, says BASA Press. At present negotiations have got pentagonal structure: OSCE, Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia and Transdnistria. Romania, USA and EU should join this group in order to provide solution to Transdnistria crisis as soon as possible. Basescu returned from Chisinau yesterday earlier than expected and stated Romanian officials had been wrong when deciding to no longer get involved in the matter.
Basescu went on: "We can only end the dispute by getting more international actors involved, in keeping with European standards". He categorically rejected idea to federalize the Republic of Moldavia. On the other hand, the leader from Bucharest refused to comment on the suggestions by Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko, concerning Transdnistria crisis.
He said the elections in the separatist province that President Yushchenko was proposing were but a means to legitimate status as negotiator. Nicolae Reabov, Russian Ambassador to the Republic of Moldavia, stated that Ukraine's project was well-conceived, worthy of attention and asking for analysis. (D.E.)
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