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  Nr. 3284 de miercuri, 30 martie 2005 
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US Embassy is working on the case together with Romanian government
-- French Foreign Affairs Ministry expresses solidarity
The US Embassy in Romania shares the concern of the Romanian government and people about the fate of the three journalists kidnapped in Baghdad on Monday and supports all efforts meant to release the kidnapped safe as soon as possible. According to the press department in the US Embassy, American officials in Bucharest cannot confirm that the man kidnapped along with the Romanian journalists is US citizen. Yesterday some mass-media channels stated that an American citizen was kidnapped in Iraq along with the Romanian journalists. The US Embassy is working on the case together with the Romanian government and other authorities. (D.E.)
Quai d'Orsay spokesman Jean Batiste Mattei expressed yesterday solidarity and compassion for the Romanian journalists kidnapped in Iraq. Mattei stated: "I want to express all my sympathy". He added that present information was fragmentary and insufficient. Mattei mentioned: "We are waiting for more information on this kidnapping incident." The spokesman of the French Foreign Affairs Ministry was asked if collaboration between the Romanian and French services was likely now, as France has already had a few months' action to release Florance Aubenas, Liberation reporter. Mattei answered that everything depended on Romanian authorities, who had expressed no solicitation up to that point.
The French secret services managed to release French hostages Georges Malbrunot and Christian Chesnot after several months. They were kidnapped in Iraq in August 2004.
Fair Press 
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