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  Nr. 3210 de vineri, 31 decembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
In 2005 Romania can have a people's party in the Parliament
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Yesterday I referred to the opportunity that PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) has now got, since it is in the Opposition, to undergo reform and turn into a modern socialist party soon, indeed worthy of his European status. This is a chance for 2005. I said PSD could even get to rule again not after one election cycle had ended, but much sooner. But all parties need reform, no matter if they rule or if they are in the Opposition. But history has proved that the deep changes suffered by a political party are more likely when the party is in the Opposition. But this particular election year makes most political groups get to rule, even if they hardly manage to reach majority. I made no reference at all to PRM ("Great Romania" Party), since the events in 2003 and 2004 have shown that this party lacks domestic resources to undergo reform, as long as it is still led by initiator Corneliu Vadim Tudor. Today I shall go on debating on the reform of the political class from a completely new perspective.
The Romanian political class, mainly grouped in a few parliamentary parties, can make progress. Right now it is really left - oriented. Let's take a look at the political chart of Romania from this perspective. Right now, PSD is the most powerful party. It is member of the Socialist International. Despite the formal consent it has got at foreign level, this group continues to move on Totalitarian principles, disallowing the open co - existence and confrontation of opposite opinions, imposing the rule of unanimity as supreme. And "who is not with us is against us"! Hence the slow and rigid leading structures and the successive confrontation that have caused severe splits, instead of consolidating the party. When Petre Roman's party got separated from the mother party, when the group led by Teodor Melescanu left behind the mother party. And we can anyway witness new split. And when we talk about PSD, we refer to a socialist party anyway. Whether reformed or not, PSD is still a left - oriented party. PD (the Democrat Party) is also a left party member of the International Socialist. Out of electoral reasons related to the struggle for power, PD had a strange agreement with a Liberal party. Together they made up D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance, which is a right center group in the best case. Right now, differences between the programs and doctrines of PSD and D.A. Alliance are rather small, especially since the Liberals have even given up the minimal state thesis, for the sake of the Social - Democrats. This is why to the extent to which PSD is under reform the two political groups are growing compatible to each other. There is nothing else left either on their right or left. UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) lacks clear doctrine, its representative are actually related to all political orientations and this is why they can join both right and left parties. PRM ("Great Romania" Party) also lacks doctrine and continues to be an anti - system party and Vadim's gang as well. Although they managed to make it to the Parliament by some tricks, the Humanists have defined not left or right doctrine. And PNTCD (the National Christian - Democrat Party), a self - proclaimed right-oriented group, hence popular, has only managed to get some modest score, just as PNG (the New Generation Party). Romanian politics shows obvious left bias.
At the very beginning of the election cycle, starting with 2005, the founding of a right party is highly necessary. It can only be a popular party. It can theoretically get shape round PNTCD. As seen, this is practically impossible. And there is one single way left. Many politicians have already begun to talk about it.
Popular initiative can spring from any party. It can spring from PNL (the National Liberal Party), for instance. Or from UDMR. And even from PSD, since at present it has got enough right - oriented personalities. It doesn't even matter how the process begins or who initiates it. It is important that some MPs should leave their organizations and declare themselves popular. Shortly after this can lead to the creation of one of the most powerful right - oriented parliamentary parties to get affiliated to the European People's Party, the most important political organization on the continent. Such a party can even get to rule in the second term of the present electoral cycle. If it happens, it will be in 2005.
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You mean "in Parliament"- no need for indefinite article!Si, stimate Moderator 2 Ziua,   de tjmaxxi
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