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  Nr. 3205 de joi, 23 decembrie 2004 
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Politicians react
-- PSD leader Adrian Nastase: A matter of pride
As expected the ruling party did not like at all Tariceanu as PM nominee. PSD (the Social - Liberal Party) leader Adrian Nastase showed that the party he would be ruling would analyze the offer, the ruling party and the Executive list elaborated by Calin Popescu Tariceanu and decide what to do next. Nastase said Tariceanu's Executive could manage to get through the Parliament, due to "spontaneous" majority, "either due to good intentions or by transfer of likes, by getting benevolence using some less visible means". Nastase went on saying that such a step could not necessarily be followed by majority making with view to continuing a government program.
The former PM specified that the president had made use of his constitutional right to choose Calin Popescu Tariceanu as candidate to PM. But on behalf of PSD he expressed opinion that they should have started by nominating a PSD candidate to PM, the candidate with the best score in November 28. Nastase added: " But given the present circumstances, we shall study this proposal with responsibility, we shall be waiting for the ruling program and the list elaborated by Calin Popescu Tariceanu and decide what to do next." The PSD leader also expressed great doubts on a minority government relying on parliamentary majority, which "does not really exist". He referred to PNL (the National Liberal Party) - PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance. According to Nastase, the nomination of Calin Popescu Tariceanu was more of "a matter of pride, the desire to show that PNL - PD makes the rule.". Nastase said: " We'll probably reach this conclusion soon: there is need of a structure that would better express the situation effected from the vote in November 28."
According to the PSD leader, a large coalition Executive would guarantee a more efficient structure. (C.EPURAN)
PRM leader C.V.Tudor: Early elections as the only solution
Yesterday PRM ("Great Romania" Party) leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor claimed that early elections were the only possible solution to the present political crisis. He estimated early elections would take place next year some time round Easter. He highlighted he would not vote for a government that UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) was part of. As for the support for an eventual Alliance government, Vadim mentioned that first of all he wanted to know the program and the team that Calin Popescu Tariceanu would bring to the Parliament. Vadim scored: "It is very likely that the team and the program would be defeated by voting. Why? Because it is a minority government."
PUR president Dan Voiculescu: "It is Basescu's decision"
"PM nominee Calin Popescu Tariceanu is Basescu's decision. I am to have a meeting with Traian Basescu tomorrow at 11:30 and I am going to come up with comments afterwards." (R.A.)
UDMR president Marko Bela: Good choice
Yesterday UDMR president Marko Bela stated to Realitatea TV that PM nominee Calin Popescu Tariceanu was a "good" choice. He described as "very good" the collaboration between the Union and the Alliance with view to the ruling program.
PSD senator Ion Iliescu: No comments
"Who can possibly guarantee for someone or something? Let us see the team first. We want to learn about the program. I have no comments for the time being." (R.A.)
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