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  Nr. 3205 de joi, 23 decembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Three false arguments
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
The new, frail government is getting shape. This minority, algorithm - based government originates in three premises, all of them wrong. As known, there can be no correct conclusion relying on false premises. And political constructions as well are not durable if they ignore reality. Here are the three mistakes that D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance starts from. PNL (the National - Liberal Alliance) - PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance won parliamentary elections. This is not true. They claim the electorate decided to bring major change to Romanian political life. This would mean only a right center government. Citizens' vote shows people protested against the corruption in PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) and hence coalition with such a party would be immoral. But such a line is also weak.
In fact none of the two groups won elections, since there is equal score. This means that Romanian citizens decided that both groups should get power and things will get balanced. Such distribution is reflected in the number of Parliament positions that D.A. Alliance and PSD have got and we could see that any government structure, initiated by one side excluding the other, is weak. Because of lacking powerful political support, many initiatives of the future Executive will be prevented and legislative initiatives first of all. This is happening at times when Romania must adopt normative documents in an unprecedented rhythm, in order to meet European legislation. But in fact the electorate's choice is not at all ambiguous and does not allow artificial combinations. Citizens' vote showed they wanted both continuation and change, since they could be compatible with each other. They can avoid costly breaks, as well as the fixing and natural improving of Romanian society.
But major political change is not possible simply because Romanian citizens did not want it. If we analyze vote results with no passion at all, we can clearly see that the electorate wanted D.A. Alliance to bring freshness and stronger wish for change, to catch up with PSD so that both parties would lead Romanian on the way to EU. Unlike in 1996, when the Romanians voted for a deep change of system only to get cheated later on, now the collective instinct of preservation has joined firm wish to take the next steps with view to the EU admission. This will make politicians reach cohabitation sooner or later, in case they don't get rid of national interests only for the sake of ruling separately.
As for accusing PSD of corruption and D.A. Alliance promise to eliminate such phenomenon, such an attitude is just an illusion. I also said it yesterday in my editorial. Here are my reasons. The first refers to elections. As for parliamentary elections, the Romanians should have thought about the fact that their life would not improve because they had to pay for the huge costs of corruption. If they have thought about it, they would have had a simple solution at hand. At least once in four years the people is sovereign. It means that by parliamentary elections people could have swept PSD off Romanian political foreground. This happened to PNTCD (the National Christian - Democrat Party) in 2000, when this party was sanctioned for lack of efficiency and for having wasted the hopes of Romanians in their 4-year ruling. The equal election score shows the Romanian people is much less radical than some politicians as far as corruption is concerned. Traian Basescu won presidential elections on the edge, due to his powerful anti - corruption discourse against his rival Adrian Nastase. The latter managed to get almost the same score and in 2004 PSD had almost the same score as the Alliance and as PSD had in 2004. This proves my thesis to be correct. People's attitude does not refer to corruption first of all. On the other hand, there is a second reason for it. It is to be mentioned that we simply can't describe all Romanian politicians only in colors as black or white. As far as corruption is concerned, PSD is not made up of devils only, just as D.A. Alliance does not include only saints. And the mechanisms fighting corruption are not the exclusive property of a single group. From this perspective, the arguments used by the Alliance staff are not reliable.
The one who does not realize of who is pretending not to realize the real significance of the electorate's message will pay high price.
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