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  Nr. 3203 de marti, 21 decembrie 2004 
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Hungarian ultimatum
Yesterday Hungarian PM Ferenc Gyurcsany asked Romania not to open the gold mine in Rosia Montana for environment reasons. He promised not to make use of the veto right on the admission of Romania into European structures, informs Reuters. Gabriel Resources Canadian company intents to open the largest surface exploitation in Europe in Rosia Montana. Hungary is afraid that the use of mining devices and cyanide - based activities will lead to environment problems that will affect the Magyar territory, because of the waters crossing the two states. Yesterday Gyurcsany informed that the Magyar Parliament had written a letter to Romanian PM Adrian Nastase, asking him to keep on opposing the project by the Canadian company. In 2000 an accident in a Romanian gold mine led to a severe ecological incident. Some water containing cyanide flowed into the Tisa River who crossed Hungary and then flowed in the Danube. Still Gyurcsany described the threat with the veto right on Romania's EU admission as "politically incorrect and historical sin". (D.E.)
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THAT should be done with the advice and aproval of the European Commission / Union...   de Omul cu Picioare foarte Paroase
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