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  Nr. 3203 de marti, 21 decembrie 2004 
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Au revoir, monsieur Etienne!
-- Romanian press says goodbye to a good friend
Yesterday French Ambassador to Bucharest Philippe Etienne said goodbye to Romanian journalists, after he had spent two years and four months at the French Embassy in Romania. All this time Etienne and Romanian press were at remarkably good terms. ZIUA thinks the diplomat deserves most sincere thanks for the frankness and willingness of cooperation he had always proved, ever since he came to Romania. Etienne stated he was "very sad" to leave Romania an added that he had had happy times in our country. First of all he reminded of Romania's success in the EU admission negotiations.
Farewell! We'll stand by you!
Starting with January 10 2005 Philippe Etienne will be general coordinator for international cooperation and development in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The ambassador explained that his new position would give him the opportunity and duty to keep on watching the cooperation of Romania and France in all fields, including preparation for EU and reform of Justice and public administration.
The French diplomat explained: " Romania has fulfilled EU admission negotiations. When I came here, this was my top priority. As Ambassador of France, I am both glad and proud of having contributed to such historical achievement." He also reminded that Romania was selected to host the summit of Francophone organizations, due in 2006. It is to be attended by many world leaders, Jacques Chirac one of them.
Philippe Etienne admitted he would miss Romania and promised to be back as soon as possible. When referring to the privileged partnership between France and Romania, Etienne mentioned the friendly terms between national public authorities, economical cooperation, French investments in Romania, cooperation of French and Romanian universities, cooperation of French and Romanian villages and cities, as well as of civil society organizations.
The Ambassador of France is pleading for the freedom of Romanian press
Philippe Etienne, a real friend of Romanian journalists, stated he wanted Romania to have a "more powerful, more independent, free and European - like press, that should objectively reflect the EU admission." He stated he had visited Timisoara on Friday, as well as the local offices of "Evenimentul Zilei" ("The Event of the Day"). He also stated he had met journalist Ino Ardelean. During the pleasant meetings he had with ZIUA reporters along time, the latter could see Etienne spoke good Romanian. As for his critical statements, Etienne said the Romanian authorities had never reacted explicitly to say he had gone beyond his mandate. He also said he had had good cooperation with all the political parties, except for one, which he did not name or commented on.
Congratulations to Basescu
The Ambassador of France stated he had had a meeting with Basescu when he was still mayor, as well as after the presidential elections. He mentioned that the newly - elected President of Romania had got warm congratulations from abroad, although he was not very well - known outside Romania. French President Jacques Chirac and French PM Jean Pierre Raffarin were some of those who had congratulated Basescu. Etienne mentioned Basescu had already had a first Brussels meeting with the head of the French State. He was convinced that the privileged partnership between Romania and France would continue.
As for the statement made by president Basescu on the focus of foreign affairs on a Washington - London - Bucharest line, Etienne stated this statement had been made in a certain internal and foreign context and referred especially to Romania's defense and security policy.
The Ambassador underlined that the view conceiving France and Germany as Europe's engine with anti - American position was not true. "We can understand Romania's need of security by means of integration into NATO and EU and France was the first to support Romania's admission in NATO. President Chirac was the one who propounded the open door policy during the Madrid summit, in order to help Romania", stated Etienne. He specified France was not "anti - American", even if France didn't always agree with USA and admitted difference.
As for the Miron Cozma hot issue, Philippe Etienne sated surprise at President Iliescu's decree to release the miners' leader from prison. He explained he understood neither the decree setting him free nor the sacking of this decision. But he understood the reaction of Romanian society. (D.E.)
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