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  Nr. 3201 de sambata, 18 decembrie 2004 
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Nastase asks clemency for lies
-- Iliescu thinks it is but normal to set Cozma free
Yesterday prime - minister Adrian Nastase went on with the hallucinating statements on the release of Miron Cozma from prison. Nastase, Prime - minister of Romania, the fourth man of the state, whose decisions and activities are related to 22 million people, unbelievably claimed that he "did not carefully read the list he signed". This is how Nastase tried to motivate the lie he had told journalists and public opinion, saying he had no idea about the decision to release the coal miners' leader from prison. "This is a decision to be made by the President of Romania. Only president Ion Iliescu knows the reasons why he chooses to draw the list with people to be set free from prison. The prime - minister's signature is formal feature that never influences decision and refers exclusively to the publishing of the list in "The Official Monitor". It was my mistake not to carefully read the list I signed, as no PM decision was in question. I signed the decree after President Iliescu had already reached decision to set Cozma free. This is the reason why within only a few hours I have come up with contradicting statements that have confused public opinion and for which I am now apologizing." This is the entire statement that Nastase made yesterday in Brussels, just a few hours before sacking the decree that released Cozma from prison. Apart from the fact that Nastase has not even now explained how come that a prime - minister can sign for something he disagrees with, be it presidential decree, it is unbelievable that the Executive leader can sign a document freeing 45 very dangerous persons from prison and say he "was not careful".
The statement of Ion Iliescu, President of Romania, was as shocking. Yesterday morning, before leaving for Brussels, Iliescu told that the Romanian PM "was probably not careful" when he signed the document. But he signed, which Iliescu himself confirmed. The same president confirmed Nastase's lie. Iliescu said: "I guess he knew what he was signing." Iliescu talked about the fact that Nastase was claiming to have no information on the release of Miron Cozma two days before, at noon. As for Nastase's statements on the release of Cozma, they have come in contradiction to Iliescu's. The later said it was an "emotional reaction". On the other hand, he insisted on his idea with the "act of clemency" and saved the only Romanian citizens who has ever undermined state forces. Iliescu stated: "I am sorry to see political speculation on a natural deed". In fact, what he did was put the blame on the media and on the civil society. On the other hand, Iliescu highlighted that his unexplainable decision had no political dimension at all. Iliescu kept on using his language: " If I had made political calculations, I wouldn't have done it."
Carmen EPURAN 
A r h i v a
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