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  Nr. 3195 de sambata, 11 decembrie 2004 
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BERD mortgage credits for HVB Bank
-- Production transfer - an opportunity for Romania
BERD (the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) gives HVB Bank Romania 10 million Euro financing. It is to be used for mortgage credits to the bank's customers, informs HVB by communique. This is the fifth BERD loan for Romanian banking an also the first BERD loan for HVB Bank Romania. This is but the continuation of the previous success. Due to this project more than 8,600 Romanian have bought a lodging place during the last years.
Moreover, Jean - Marc Peterschmitt, BERD Manager of the Bank Lending Department, stated: "The Romanians' solicitations for credits to buy lodging places have reached a large number. BERD, HVB Bank Romania and more local banks are ready to meet such needs. Moreover, by supporting this process of developing mortgage credit portfolios, BERD is getting involved in developing the competition characteristic of this field, which is going to be in favour of customers". (...) (M.F.)
Takata Petri, Japonese producer of car pieces intends to develop activity in Romania by means of production transfer to a steering wheel factory in Germany. This is shown in an article published by the German daily newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" and quoted by Mediafax. According to the German newspaper, relocation was triggered by the need to cut down on production costs. The number of employees of the unit if Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, is to go from 2,000 to about 370. The latter are to work for a research centre.
In 2002 Takata-Petri also transferred from the Czech Republic to the Romanian factory in Arad leather - coating operations for Mercedes steering wheels.
Ever since 2001 the company has had one branch in Arad. It stretches on an 18 - hectare surface and produces steering wheels for partners such as BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Nissan and Iveco. According to sources inside the company, investments accomplished in Romania reach 35 million Euro. (A.B.)
ZF: Real estate is the favourite field of Romanian managers
Most business leaders believe that building and real estate are the two fields of Romanian economy standing most chances to develop. This is shown in opinion poll accomplished by "Ziarul Financiar" ("Financial Newspaper"), informs Mediafax. 90 from the 159 businessmen asked chose these two fields. They are followed by IT industry and tourism. Financial services, commerce, banking, telecommunication, agriculture, insurance and food industry are also in the top.
The publication also suggests a series of predictions for 2010 for each of these fields. Such predictions are based on the opinions of their most "visionary" representatives. The building market is estimated to reach 8-9 billion Euro in 6 years' time, the soft industry and services are to reach 1 billion Euro. The number of mobile phone users might grow from about 10 millions at present to 16 millions in 2010.
As for the hotel industry, estimations say that 16 international chains of hotels will be on market, as compared to only 6 at present. (A.B.)
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