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  Nr. 3195 de sambata, 11 decembrie 2004 
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The message of Traian Basescu: "December 12 - the Romanians' opportunity to get a better life"
-- The problems of young people are going to be my priority!
Al my thanks to the Romanians who gave me support in the first presidential election tour. Every ballot in my favor makes me fight to the end for winning presidential elections. The Romanian people is the only ally I need in this struggle meant to turn Romania into a clean state without a privileged class.
December 12 elections can give Romania the opportunity for a better life. Today it is the last time I am asking Romanians to go voting on Sunday, as every single ballot is powerful enough to bring change. Go voting together with your families and you can bring justice! Let all of us go voting, no mater where we are! Let us turn the second election tour into a tour powerful enough to change Romania! Let's show them we are more and more powerful! People from villages and cities, Romanians in Romania or abroad, together we can overturn the ones who cheated on the results of November 28 elections and broke the state of law to pieces! On Sunday, December 12, to go voting is the most powerful political instrument against a corrupted system developed by PSD (the Social - Democrat Party), Ion Iliescu and Adrian Nastase.
I have got many projects for Romania's future. I am going to be a powerful president who will not hesitate to bring people's problems to state institutions. I am going to be a president who gets involved in the daily life of state institutions to make them work and be available for Romanian citizens all the time, be it night or day. I am going to be a president to crash the corrupted, mob - like system that has taken more than 70,000 billion ROL only this year. This money reached the pockets of political customers, instead of reaching the peasants, the retired, and the youth or instead of being used for more jobs. I promise to be the president of the Romanians everywhere, the president for all the Romanians!
I would like Romania to be the country that gives a chance to every one of us: a chance for the youth to get a well -paid job and settle down, a chance for the elderly to get a decent annuity that would make up for their lifetime labor, a chance for agriculture workers to have more than they have now, a chance for every Romania to have a better life! This is their opportunity to give up compromises and humiliation, to rid them of the need to give up their families and their country!
This is the picture of what I want Romania to become!
And this is my message to you: December 12 is the Romanians' opportunity to get a better life and to be really proud of their Country!
They can't steal as much as you can VOTE!"
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