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  Nr. 3195 de sambata, 11 decembrie 2004 
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New warning from APD
Cristian Parvulescu, President of APD (Pro Democracy Association) threatened again that he would retreat APD observers from Sunday elections if they did not obey the BEC (the Central Electoral Office) decision to limit the number of balloting stations where people could vote on supplementary lists. Yesterday in his interview to BBC Parvulescu mentioned he had information showing that some district offices did not want to apply the BED decision. The President of APD said: "Given such circumstances, we have warned that we will not longer observe elections if we see the BEC decision is not obeyed". When asked about the logic of such a measure, Parvulescu claimed that the number of observers participating at the second presidential election tour was insufficient for electoral police. He stated: " Since BEC made a decision, everybody must obey it, even the politicized presidents of balloting station offices". He explained that APD observers would retreat only after having warned the authorities about disobedience to the BEC decision". Parvulescu stated: " We are going to inform BEC on it and we shall retreat if we have no other choice. We want to observe elections, but we also want to have the transparent process we were promised to have. We are going to allow no subversive method or interference". (R.A.)
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