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  Nr. 3195 de sambata, 11 decembrie 2004 
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Poisoned letter
APD (Pro Democracy Association), AMP - AC (Catavencu Academy - The Press Monitoring Agency), SAR (the Romanian Academic Society) and APADOR - CH denied cooperation for a letter attributed to several civic organizations and sent to Brussels officials on Wednesday, one day before the technical fulfillment of the last two negotiation chapters with EU, informs Rompres. During the Wednesday TV confrontation between Traian Basescu, PNL (the National Liberal Party) - PD (the Democrat Party) candidate to presidency, and Adrian Nastase, the latter described the respective "letter" as "hallucinating material". The authors of the letters were claiming that PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) was preparing 65,000 buses for the day of the elections and the buses were to transport people for "voting in several places". They also showed that in November 28 about 13% of Romanian citizens had voted on special lists and that citizens were not allowed to use the elector's card for voting. According to AMP - AC, the message was sent to Virginia.QUIRKE@cec.eu.int. It was "written like some desperate appeal and sent from press_ro@yahoo.com under identity Ropress Press RO". According to the Internet page of the European Commission, Virginia Quirke is in the Press and Communication Department.
APD has issued press release highlighting that the letter is a fake and stating that none of the organizations mentioned as authors of the document did not send such a message. According to the above - mentioned source, APD and the other organizations as well "have proved many a time that they know how to take responsibility for their actions" and to send such a document is not an act characteristic for these NGOs. APD opines that "an email is that could have been sent form anywhere by anybody is the information source that PSD leaders have got for the letter".
AMP also denied having written, signed and sent such a message to Brussels. The press release by SAR and APADOR - CH says: " Release of such piece of news is an diversion move made during the election campaign. We express protest against it."
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