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  Nr. 3195 de sambata, 11 decembrie 2004 
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"Russia will anyway lose control on Ukraine and Moldavia"
-- "Ukraine is not Romania"
Romanian Opposition is optimistic
The results of Romanian and Ukrainian elections will have direct influence on the elections in the Republic of Moldavia, due next year. This is the conclusion reached by most political analysts and politicians who participated in the debate " The Influence of Romanian and Ukrainian Elections on the Elections in the Republic of Moldavia". Mona Musca, Vice - president of PNL (The National Liberal Party) stated that in the Republic of Moldavia and Ukraine state institutions and democracy were under the powerful influence of the Russian Federation. Mona Musca stated: " Democracy and state institutions in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldavia are severely affected by Russia ". The Vice - president of PNL gave as example the President of the Parliament in Chisinau, Eugenia Ostapciuc. During a recent meeting the latter spoke Russian, she knew Romanian as well. Musca unveiled that the leader of the Chisinau legislative had stated that the Moldavian Parliament was working in favor of the Moldavian Government. The Liberal representative stated: "So here is the way state institutions and democracy in these states are affected. (...) I believe Russian will anyway lose control on Ukraine and the Republic of Moldavia. These are the last spasms. If we look around, we can see that such control can no longer get support."
As for the similarities between Ukrainian and Romanian elections, Musca stated: " Ukraine is not Romania, even if Romanian elections were severely viciated. (...) Even if Romanian state institutions are still under powerful political influence, we must trust sate institutions". Mona Musca also gave some advice: "The Republic of Moldavia can learn a "lesson" taught by Romania and Ukraine: there is need of unified Opposition, powerful and active civil society and independent mass - media that would support pro - European democratic forces".
Adrian Severin, Romanian political analyst and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, delivered a speech and warned that the Russian factor played a main role in the elections in the Republic of Moldavia. Severin confirmed as well that Ukrainian elections could not be compared to the Romanian ones. He stated: " The two situations cannot be compared. In Ukraine it is about revolution, whereas in Romania it is about a normal state of things."
As for the similarities between the Ukrainian election campaign and the state of things in the Republic of Moldavia, the experts attending the reunion reminded that during the campaign in Ukraine the pro - Russian candidate Viktor Yanukovich met with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Aleksei II and that the Moldavian Communist leader Vladimir Voronin had had about the same type of meetings during his last election campaign.
The debate held yesterday was organized by the Foundation for Civic Education Project and Academic Development, the Center for Political Studies and Analysis and the "Viitorul" Institute for the Development of Social Initiatives.
George COMAN 
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