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  Nr. 3189 de sambata, 4 decembrie 2004 
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D.A. Alliance rejects collaboration with PSD
-- PNL debate
Yesterday the Permanent Delegation of PNL (the National Liberal Party) and the leading board of PD (the Democrat party) adopted resolution appealing to all Romanian citizens "irrespective of political options" to vote for Traian Basescu in the second presidential election tour. The document unanymously adopted by the Liberals and the Democrats express firm support for Traian Basescu. The resolution shows: "" This is why we are asking PNL and PD organizations, as well as the supporters of these two parties, to take all efforts to accomplish this political mission, able to provide the Alliance with the capacity to decide the making of parliamentary majority and of the future government". Another point in the document emphasizes that PNL and PD " are against election fraud committed by the ruling party and also against the attitude of the PSD (the Social - Liberal Party) government, that did not provide the conditions necessary to fair elections and seriously harmed Romania's image and credibility, as well as the calendar set for the EU integration". According to the resolution, the Liberals and the Democrats "are expressing determination to obey the Alliance protocol and take all efforts so that D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance, made up of PNL and PD, would get to make government, in keeping with Constitutional procedures". In the end, the authors specify that that the Alliance "rejects any kind of political or parliamentary collaboration with PSD." In a press conference following the common meeting of the PNL and PD leading members, Tariceanu explained that the Liberals included in the resolution the point referring to PSD in order to drive away all comments on the possibility that some PNL members should agree to Nastase's party. He also said that, in case Basescu won elections, the Alliance would take the responsibility to make the government, but he did not mention any eventual partner.
The resolution adopted yesterday by the leading boards of PNL and PD is actually the effect of the 3- hour debate of the Permanent Delegation of the Liberals. During the common conference Basescu mentioned that the document elaborated by the Liberals had been "entirely" accepted by the Alliance.
As for the elections in November 28, Basescu said that fraud "had been pre- established"", as the rulers had modified election legislation "in the last minute" and transferred election organization responsibilities to mayors and prefects, allies of the ruling party. As for the second presidential election tour, Basescu promised that the Alliance would come with fair campaign, inviting his opponent to attend TV debates daily.
When asked why the resolution adopted by the Alliance did not explicitly exclude collaboration with PRM ("Great Romania" Party), Basescu stated that it was about a document providing support to a candidate running for presidency and theefore it was meant for all Romanians. Basescu admitted that the alliance did not exclude collaboration with PUR (the Romanian Humanist Party). He refused to tell whether the Alliance had started negotiations or PUR or not.
PSD electors are welcome
Then Basescu highlighted that a candidate to the Romanian Presidency did not only address to a single political force, but to the Romanian people. "We exclude collaboration with PSD as structure, but I can assure you that it would very useful to my struggle for presidency to get votes from any Romanian citizen, no matter his/ her political option. It does not matter at all if a Romanian citizen voted for PRM, UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania), PNG (the New Generation Party) or PNTCD (the National Christian - Democrat Party). Today I am appealing to the Romanian electoral as candidate to the Romanian Presidency. I can say that any vote is welcome, no matter where it comes from. I would very much like to get votes from at least half of the PSD electors". This is what Basescu said.
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