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  Nr. 3189 de sambata, 4 decembrie 2004 
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Onno Simons: The European Commission asks Pro Democracy Association to participate at observation on the second presidential election tour
Yesterday Onno Simons, second chief of the European Delegation to Bucharest stated to ACTMedia and ZIUA exclusively that the non - government organization APD (Pro Democracy Association) should reconsider the recent decision on retreating from observing the second presidential election tour due in December 12. According to the EU official, more than 3,000 observers representing APD play a main role in insuring "free, honest" elections, without fraud and "electoral tourism", that would provide as "real" winner the one getting most ballots. According to unofficial sources, these days Jonathan Scheele, Chief of the Delegation had a private meeting with Cristian Parvulescu, President of APD. He is said to have sent a letter to Parvulescu, President of APD, showing that the participation of civil society was necessary to providing balloting in keeping with European norms. It is to be mentioned that this appeal joins the one released by the US Embassy, as the letter is asking the civil society and non- government organizations to delegate observers in December 12 as well. (C.TERENCHE)
 Comentarii: 1 Afiseaza toate comentariile  
EU should consider Pro-D as a leader!   de johnarmaghedon
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