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  Nr. 3189 de sambata, 4 decembrie 2004 
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UDMR pushes it too far
-- Autonomy as reason for discord
Yesterday the Operation Council of UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) decided to negotiate only with PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) and set a strict conditions @ Marko Bela stated: "This is the realist solution to the making of majority with view to the Romanian Parliament" @ After the meeting of the operation Council, Bela and Nastase had coffee together and they are to meet again on Monday @ The Magyars want: consent to various forms of autonomy, reorganization of development regions, a Magyar prefect in Covasna, elaboration of a law on minorities @ Moreover, UDMR is after minister positions ( in agriculture, health, transport and eventually economy) and/or state secretary ones ( foreign and internal affairs, defense), as well as ambassador positions @ negotiations might also bring about positions in the secret service @ One reason for discord is the double citizenship for Magyars living abroad, which Nastase rejects
After studying the results of Romanian elections held on Sunday, yesterday the Operation Council of UDMR decided that the only means to make parliamentary majority was alliance with PSD. Mediafax quotes Marko Bela: " The other possibility of collaboration with D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance does not insure parliamentary majority in any way. Alliance with PSD+PUR (the Romanian Humanist Party) is the only solution favorable to the reaching majority with view to the Romanian Parliament. And this one too is not at all easy. We shall later learn if we manage to negotiate the type of alliance." Yesterday in Targu Mures the leading members of UDMR set the main claims conditioning participation in the future government coalition. UDMR representatives told us that the claims focus on including autonomy and regionalization matters in the ruling program. As for the government participation, they are after at least two minister positions and some state secretary ones. Many of the claims - especially those related to autonomy - might complicate negotiations, as the Union is determined to participate at ruling only. After the meeting of the Operation Council, Marko Bela had a brief "coffee" talk with PSD President Marko Bela, whom he is also to meet on Monday in Bucharest. "We have reached advanced stage in the making of parliamentary majority. On Monday we are to have a formal meeting with UDMR and I am convinced we shall manage to reach majority that would lead us to making the new government and to a final vote in December, in front of the reunited Parliament Chambers", stated Mircea Geoana yesterday in Craiova, quoted by Rompres.
The consent to various forms of autonomy, the regionalization of development regions, a Magyar prefect in Covasna and the reorganization of a law on minorities are some of the UDMR claims. But the latter also refer to the fight against corruption and to more efforts that would accelerate the EU admission. At present, Horia Grama, Vice president of PSD Covasna, is the prefect of this district. Moreover according to sources contacted by ZIUA, the Union is after government positions (agriculture, health, transport and eventually economy) as well as state secretary ones (in foreign and internal affairs, defense, fight against discrimination, interethnic relations department) and ambassadors. UDMR representative have for years wanted to be represented in the secret services as well and this claim might even be taken up now. The Union will continue to support the claims included in the protocol of parliamentary collaboration with PSD: restitution of Church properties and recreation of the State Magyar University in Cluj. In case PSD+PUR gets to rule, Mircea Geoana, supposed to be future prime - minister, already announced a smaller government structure, including 14-16 ministries. Given such conditions, the representatives of the ruling party will be little willing to provide UDMR with ministries and UDMR will not agree to have only a small number of representatives, only at state secretary level.
Double citizenship is problematic
The idea of double citizenship for Magyar - origin citizens not living in Hungary is another problematic issue. This initiative is provided with support by FiDeSz, led by Viktor Orban. Budapest is to host a referendum on the matter on Sunday. The results are to be released before Monday, when the first negotiation session of UDMR is due. UDMR has often criticized the biased involvement of FiDeSz in the UDMR domestic conflicts, as FiDeSz stands by the Magyar Civic Union and pleads for double citizenship. The Hungarian Liberal - Socialist coalition government is against the opposition project. So far the Alliance has made no public statement for or against it, but it is hard to believe that it is going to agree, as it did not agree to the law on the status of the Magyars. At that time Liberal Valeriu Stoica was member of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, which elaborated a critical report on the status law. PSD President Adrian Nastase openly opposed to double citizenship on ethic criteria, considering that "such rule would lead to the discrimination of Romanian citizens, starting from their nationality". Although he stated that the double citizenship was little likely to affect negotiations between UDMR and PSD, it is difficult to believe that the Social - Democrats' dislike of UDMR can be ignored. (A.D.)
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