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  Nr. 3186 de miercuri, 1 decembrie 2004 
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Romanians are keen on bribe
-- Daily bribe
93,5% of the Romanians admit bribe and know at least one person who bribed. This is shown by the first opinion poll on bribe, accomplished by means of the "Don't Bribe" program - www.nudaspaga.ro. Almost two thirds of the Romanians think most public servants are corrupted and one third bribed at least once during the last two years. The opinion poll was carried out at the request of the Concept Foundation. It was carried out by CURS and the Sociology Institute and the Institute for Life Quality Research. Almost nobody (0,4%) believes there are no corrupted people.
"Bribe is part of the daily life" of 52% of Romanian citizens. To 17% of the latter "bribe is something common, but the phenomenon is not as serious as people claim". 16% of the people interviewed opined that "some give bribe, but this is not necessary, since some patience can insure life with no bribe". To 8% of Romanians "Bribe is completely useless and the need for bribe can be avoided". Romanians believe that the most corrupted institutions are the Customs, Justice, The Parliament, the Executive, the health field and the Police. On the opposite side there are the mass - media, the banks, the Post, communications and the army. The main factors causing corruption are: low wages, excessive bureaucracy, confuse legislation, poorly applied by institutions with flaws.
Laws need to be stricter
The first thing the Romanians would do against corruption would be fines, arrests, punishment for the corrupted and stricter laws (39%). The interviewed ones indicated: application of the law and improvement of it (19%), trained people in administration or political changes (17%), better wages for public servants (6%). As for the fight against corruption, they recommended the involvement of the following: Justice (72,1%), Executive (70,2%), Police (68,6%), Legislative (67,2%), mass - media (51%), city halls (40,1%) and "the public" (36,3%).
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Keen = sufera! In creierul vostru subdezvoltat!   de tjmaxxi
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