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  Nr. 3181 de joi, 25 noiembrie 2004 
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LATEST � In Brief
Tight score
-- ZIUA Publishing House published PSD SECRETS
Latest opinion poll by CSOP shows that just one week before elections, Traian Basescu is ahead of Adrian Nastase with less than 1%. The D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance candidate is rated to 39,9%, as compared to the 39,5% of the PSD (the Social - Democrat Party)+PUR (the Romanian Humanist Party) one. The PNL (the National Liberal Party) - PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance has got 37,2%, which is 0,4% more than its main political opponent. Corneliu Vadim Tudor (11,9%) and Marko Bela (4,2%) are the only other candidates the opinion poll mentions. PRM ("Great Romania" Party) has made to the parliament limit with 10,8%, as well as UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania), with 5,4%. The number of voters who have not made decision on presidential favorite in insignificant: 0,8%.
These days some newspapers as well as the Internet have published various versions or only fragments from the controversial PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) stenograms. Such stenograms circulate in newspapers' offices and among people, but it is not exactly known what meetings and what contents they are about. Romanian public opinion has got the right to learn the entire texts of stenograms, at least of those that have leaked, in order to have full information before giving opinion. ZIUA Publishing House offers you this opportunity. You can find out what stenograms are available, what exactly they include and what significance they have. You can learn the "PSD Secrets" by yourselves after buying the three volumes including stenograms and published by ZIUA Publishing House. Order at editura@ziua.ro.
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