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  Nr. 3181 de joi, 25 noiembrie 2004 
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PSD stenograms scandal reaches Justice
-- Gusa sues Iliescu, Geoana and Corlatean
Press publishing of PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) meeting stenograms has caused reactions. Yesterday Democrat Cozmin Gusa informed he was going to sue state president Ion Iliescu, PSD chosen MP Mircea Geoana and PSD spokesman Titus Corlatean. Gusa explained he had made this decision because the above - mentioned persons had slandered him by claiming he had provided mass - media with the stenograms. But the Democrat stated he would no longer appeal to Justice in case Iliescu, Geoana and Corlatean apologized publicly. Here is a fragment from the press release: "The statements made by Ion Iliescu, Mircea Geoana, Octav Cozmanca and Titus Corlateanu and saying Cozmin Gusa is involved in providing the stenograms to mass - media are considered to libels. Cozmin Gusa is going to sue the above - mentioned persons, unless they publicly apologize by November 20 2004." The PD (the Democrat Party) leaders mentioned he set December 20 2004 as deadline because "these gentlemen will find it difficult to admit the truth during election campaign." Gusa described as benefic the release of stenograms of PSD meetings and said many discussion fragments confirmed serious accusations brought against the ruling party in the last years.
Mass - media release of PSD documents has caused the fear of ruling party leaders. At first, they admitted the stenograms were true. But shortly after they denied. According to the "Adevarul" edition yesterday, PSD leaders Dan Matei Agathon, Octav Cozmanca and Viorel Hrebenciuc claimed during unofficial talks that the stenograms were as true as possible. They mentioned there had been a convention on Dorina Mihailescu recording PSD meetings. Just after the sign given by PSD president Adrian Nastase who called the documents to be "press made - up stuff", all PSD leaders changed previous statements.
www.istoria.info blocked
Cozmanca accused PNL (the National Liberal Party) - PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance of having made up such materials and pointed to Cozmin Gusa as author of this strategy. Shortly after Romanian President Ion Iliescu started attacks too. His statement is really funny: " They are stolen by Cozmin Gusa, but we don't know if they are real or not." When saying it, Iliescu didn't even think one couldn't steal stenograms that didn't exist. Moreover, www.istoria.info, hosting the stenograms of PSD meetings, was blocked. On Wednesday no access to it was possible. But the documents can be now read at the Internet page www.securisti.ro.
Stenograms contents refer to the Executive's current problems, as well as to the difficulties of the parliament and of the ruling party, to the relation to the opposition and international organizations. But they also refer to relation to the press. Documents show the way PSD leaders conceive strategies to counter attack Opposition and press critique or international reproaches. (R.A.)
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