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  Nr. 3162 de miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2004 
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Mutu: "I am not giving up football"
-- Bosnich defends Mutu
The "Brilliant" denies all rumors about his eventual withdrawal by means a press release issued by the lawyer company defending his interests. Today the Romanian player is to be heard by the FA Discipline Commission, which will announce he verdict tomorrow the latest. (M.G.)
Former Chelsea goalkeeper, Australian Mark Bosnich stated the British group should rediscuss the decision to sack Mutu's contract, who was discovered on cocaine by anti-doping control, just like himself. "We are going to give him support in everything. The new Chelsea leading board did good, but the would make more friends if they gave the player a second chance", sated Bosnich to CNN. Bosnich, banned 9 months and then dismissed by Chelsea after being found on cocaine, thinks Mutu might have turned into a "target". "Football players are generally keen on discipline. people forget this and watch the private life only. Many are jelous when they see how mush football players earn", said the Australian player. (MIG)
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