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  Nr. 3162 de miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2004 
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Romanian Patriarchy accused of involvement in political competition
-- Nastase "founder"
Yesterday His Holiness the Archbishop of Cluj issued a press release accusing the Romanian Patriarchy of "bias involvement into political competition, which makes our priests notice that interdiction can operate on them, but not on the institution they represent". The reaction of the Archbishop of Cluj was caused by a release by the Romanian Patriarchy, issued on October 28. The release was showing: " While they were on the Patriarchy Hill to worship the holly relics of the Holy Saint Dimitrie the New- the Patron of Bucharest, hundred thousand Christian believers were enraged to find out the openly expressed opinions of Mr. Traian Basescu, General Mayor of Bucharest, referring to the legalization of prostitution and homosexual couples". "We believe these opinions have nothing to do with the Christian tradition, with the morality of our people and with human and family dignity (...) As known, the Church ceaselessly opposes sin, but does mot hate the sinner, but offer him permanent support if he shows desire to improve. (...)"
As reply, the Archbishopric of Vad, Feleac and Cluj shows in the release to the Patriarch of BOR (the Romanian Orthodox Church) that "BOR's attitude towards the legalization of prostitution and of homosexual couples is well - known. This position is not at all new and it is neither to be imminently completed. What is also well - kown is the keenness of our Church on neutrality at political parties and groups. The decision reached by the Holly Synode in February 10-12 2004 firmly forbids out clergy to have political bias or participate in election campaigns". "But on October 28 2004, the Press Department of the Romanian Patriarchy issued a press release expressing the indignation of Christian believers at the openly expressed opinions of Mr. Traian Basescu, General Mayor of Bucharest, on the legalization of prostitution and of homosexual couples. The fact that this indignation has come about in the first official day of the present election campaign and that it is focussed on one single person who is both General Mayor of Bucharest and leader of a political party, as well as candidate running for presidency, can only lead to the conclusion that the Romanian patriarchy is starting biased involvement in political competition (...)", says His Holiness Bartolomeu Anania.
The attitude of His Holiness Bartolomeu Anna follows a series of statements made during this year by Church representative first against and then for the present rulers. The most surprising change of attitude can be seen in His Holiness the Archbishop of Suceava and Radauti. Pimen was a harsh critic of PSD (The Social - Democrat party) rulers, whom he scolded for their exaggerated security measures during the festivities in the Monastery of Putna and also for the delaying return of forest to the Church. At the end of last week, On October 28, in the first day of election campaign, the Executive decided to give back to the Archbishopric of Suceava 90,00 hectares of forest. His Holiness Pimen made prime - minister Nastase "one of the great founders and protectors of historical monasteries". In August 26, His Holiness Pimen together with priests from historical monasteries were rhetorically asking in a letter they sent Adrian Nastase: " Shall we conclude (....) that you have got nothing in common with the Church and with Christian faith?". On August 15, in his sermon during holiday service, he claimed that " one can't ask faith from people over 50 who have lived under the Communist regime and have graduated Stefan Gheorghiu Academy, who cross solemnly when the camera is one them so that they can be seen on TV".
"Cathedral of Redemption" after campaign
Traian Basescu, candidate to presidency representing the PNL (The national Liberal party) - PD (The Democrat Party) Alliance has not been clear enough on the cathedral of National Redemption. Although he stated opposition to building the cathedral in Carol Park, PD MPs voted in the Parliament for the law setting the cathedral was to be built right in this place. At that time PD deputies stated the Democrats' decision to support the law expressed the position of one candidate running for presidency, who takes into account the view f most Romanians, and not only that of Bucharest inhabitants. Basescu might even want to postpone the issue in order to avoid excessive politicizing of a delicate matter. He did the same as far as the Rosia Montana project is concerned. In the beginning he supported investments there and afterwards he changed tone. (D.L.M., A.D.)
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