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  Nr. 3156 de miercuri, 27 octombrie 2004 
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Nastase wants to help Mutu and talk to Blair
-- @ Romanian PM mistakes the championships of Mitica Dragomir for Premier League and informed he would talk to UK PM about the Chelsea player
On Monday evening PM Adrian Nastase participated on the "Nasu'" TV show on B1 TV, produced by Radu Moraru. As for Adrian Mutu, he said the latter "had probably made a mistake" and that he would pay for it. But the PM said it was important to take into account the fact that Mutu was leader of the Romanian football team and that it was important for Romanians to reach the 2006 World Championships. He was asked if he was going to talk to Blair about it, as UK Sports Minister Richard Caborn asked for harshest punishment - 2 years - for Mutu. Nastase answered we should "fight everybody to help the national team" and that he would get involved in it " within natural limits and political protocol". The prime - minister underlined: "We are at good terms with the British Government, with British institutions and with Tony Blair. (....) Personally, I am going to try and help him, for I believe we all have the duty to help the national team, just as we have the duty to build a modern stadium for the soccer team. Every one of us must help the national team. We must help Adrian Mutu get over this obstacle". (MIG)
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Nastase badly wants two things, mind you...   de tjmaxxi
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