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  Nr. 3156 de miercuri, 27 octombrie 2004 
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Podgoreanu attacked Basescu
Radu Podgoreanu, President of the Foreign Affairs Commission in the Chamber of Deputies and PSD (the Socialist - Democrat party) representative will ask Parliament commissions of foreign affairs to debate Traian Basescu's statements on Ukraine and on the EU admission in order to decide if they affected Romania's interests, informs Mediafax. Yesterday Podgoreanu criticized the statements made by the PNL (The national Liberal Party) - PD (The Democrat party) Alliance leader running as candidate to presidency. Basescu made statements on the fact that Romania should negotiate with Ukraine the latter's strategic interest in the Danube branch of Chilia. Podgoreanu claimed that such statements showed Basescu was ready to give up some Romanian territories. He also said that the PD leader's statements proved Basescu was comparing Romania's terms with EU to the strategic partnership with USA. Podgoreanu explained that Basescu's statements showed "lack diplomacy knowledge" and were extremely serious. "The parliament must decide whether it is possible or not for a Romanian citizen jeopardizing national interest by election statements to become President of Romania", said Podgoreanu. He also stated that Foreign Affairs Commissions or the Parliament might adopt declaration, in case they reached conclusion that Basescu's statements affected Romania's interest, but that this declaration would have no juridical effect. It would only be "taking attitude" so that the public opinion would learn about it. He showed that, if necessary and if he pleased do, Traian Basescu could be invited to give explanations to the Foreign Affairs Commissions. (A.H.)
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