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  Nr. 3156 de miercuri, 27 octombrie 2004 
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Constitutional Court in PSD campaign
-- Iliescu and Nastase paid election visit together with judge Ion Predescu
Yesterday President Iliescu made one more huge blunder and broke the Constitution one more time. While on election visit to Craiova, accompanied by PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party) candidate to presidency Adrian Nastase, Iliescu showed himself in the presence of Ion Predescu, judge working for the Constitutional Court. Former PSD senator, Predescu was chosen judge for nine years and was supported by the ruling party. The positive vote for Predescu underlined suspicion on PSD control on the Constitutional Court. It is just a spicy detail that Ion Predescu was the senator who initiated the project saying Justice convicted MPs should maintain position. It is not surprising that Predescu was accompanying Iliescu, as the president has already involved he Army in the PSD campaign.
PNL - PD Alliance protests
As reply to Iliescu's election visits, yesterday the PNL (The National Liberal Party) - PD (The Democrat Party) Alliance asked the state president to no longer break the Constitution and behave like a president of all Romanians. Ionut Popescu, Alliance Spokesman, accused the state president of breaking the Constitution by coming to Craiova together with Adrian Nastase and other PSD representatives. The Alliance claimed that Iliescu played the main election agent for many PSD candidates in local elections, although the law forbade it.
Carmen EPURAN 
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