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  Nr. 3156 de miercuri, 27 octombrie 2004 
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LATEST � In Brief
JAI jeopardizes EU negotiation fulfilling
-- Independent Journalism Center defeated the Government
Romania's negotiation chapter on Justice and internal affairs with view to the EU admission is the most difficult of all and we can't say whether it will be fulfilled by the end of the year or not. This was the statement made by Onno Simons, Second Chief of the EU delegation to Bucharest. While participating in a debate on the Justice reform in Romania, Simons said the Romanian Justice system had some difficulties, which had been reflected by the latest EU country report on Romania. Some of the problems Simons talked about are the financial ones, as well organizational and image matters. He mentioned the lack of trust in Justice. (C.E.)
The Independent Journalism Center (CIJ) won the first trial session against the Government. CIJ sued the latter for having refused to provide information on advertising contracts, informed Ioana Avadani, Head of CJI. Charges refer to advertising contracts approved by the Government and signed by the Executive Chief. The decision was reached on Monday, when the Executive representative was absent. The Executive has got the right to canceling appeal. In August CJI had asked the Executive for the lists of advertising contracts approved by PM Adrian Nastase, according to the law on access to public information. At that time the Government Spokesman said that every public institution had signed advertising contracts with no consent or signature from the PM. The latter wanted to be sure on the legal spending of funds. This is what Despina Neagoe was saying, as reply to press reports on the issue. In this trial CJI is assisted by lawyer Diana Calinescu from the Human Rights Defense Association - the Helsinki Committee. (A.D.)
As for press freedom, Romania is on the bottom of the list
In terms of press freedom, Romania is on the 70th position from 167 analyzed countries. Romania is placed just after Congo and before Niger. This is the conclusion reached by the third world top on the topic published on Tuesday by "Reporteres sans frontieres". Romania's grade is 17,83. Denmark is the country with most complete press freedom, as its grade is 0,50. North Korea is the last country in the top. North Korea is on the 167th position with 107,5. It is interesting that Bulgaria's grade is much higher than ours, as Bulgaria is number 36. Hungary is number 29, USA is number 23, whereas Russia got the 140th position and the Republic of Moldavia the 78th. According to AFP, Oriental Asia and the Middle East are territories where press freedom is least. On the other hand, press freedom in the North European countries is complete. (C.E.)
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