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  Nr. 3156 de miercuri, 27 octombrie 2004 
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Don't vote for them!
-- Pressure and interference
CPC (The Coalition for Clean Parliament) is asking PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party) +PUR (The Romanian Humanist Party) Union and PNL (The National Liberal Party) - PD (The Democrat Party) Alliance to remove several Parliament candidates from their lists for the Chamber of Deputies and Senate. Lists include 11o politicians representing the ruling party and 12 from PNL - PD Alliance. Some of them are current names in Romanian politics: Nicolae Vacaroiu, Viorel Hrebenciuc, Mircea Geoana, Miron Mitrea, Dan Ioan Popescu, Dan Voiculescu, Dan Nica, Serban Mihailescu (PSD+PUR Union) and Paul Pacuraru, Valeriu Gheorghe (PNL), Cornel Stirbet (PNL), Stelian Dutu (PD), Valentin Iliescu (PD). Most incompatibilities refer to political migration, fishy business, owning shares at companies on debt, criminal deeds. The Coalition for Clean Parliament is made up of several NGOs. Here are some of them: The Independent Journalism center, Pro Democracy Association, The Social Dialogue Group, the Human Rights Defense Association - the Helsinki Committee, the Press Monitor Agency - Catavencu Academy. CPC has monitored 138 persons from PSD+PUR Union. PSD has withdrawn or agreed to withdraw 23 candidates from them. 4 have resigned from PSD or were not even included on lists in the preliminary stage. 28 people form PNL - PD Alliance have been controversial (13 from PNL and 15 from PD). In the end only 12 names were left on he coalition's lists.
The lists with incompatible members from UDMR (The Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) have not been released yet, as UDMR has not completed internal opposition procedures. PRM ("Great Romania" party) has released no election list at all, has stated Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, President of the Romanian Academic Society. She has specified UDMR is to send the lists to the Coalition tomorrow.
Mungiu-Pippidi has explained that civil society lists might go through changes, depending on the official parliamentary lists, which are to be completed by Friday.
CPC representatives have mentioned that there has been "pressure and interference" lately so that lists would not be released or some names would be removed. "Yesterday we got phone calls from everywhere, Executive and Opposition members included", said Mungiu. Rodica Stanoiu from PSD also wrote to Mungiu - Pippidi about the intention to sue her, in case her name was still present on lists. She informed that on Monday, just one day before the press conference, she had received interfering phone calls, asking that the lists should not "leak" to the press. The Coalition has started to spread information about lists by various means (brochures, leaflets), mainly aiming at rural areas and electors under 21, added Cristian Parvulescu. According to Ioana Avadani, Head of the Independent Journalism Center, leaflets are to be distributed directly to electors' mailboxes.
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