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  Nr. 3130 de luni, 27 septembrie 2004 
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Eugen Dijmarescu replies the World Bank
The recent analysis accomplished by the Foreign Commerce Department (FCD) shows the risk of corruption during procedures for the release of import - export license has constantly diminished due to the elimination of administrative obstacles since 2002. According to analysis, only 99 out of the 11.000 fee positions in the Customs Nomenclature Register need import license now. Only 201 need export license. As for 2002 - 2004, FCD has received no complaints or claims from economy operators. At present they are studying means to externalise license release procedures and unite all types of import and export licences in an only institution. The latter is meant to eliminate the administration of trade policy instruments, stated Delegate Minister of Commerce Eugen Dijmarescu. We are reminding that at the end of last week a report drawn by the Foreign Investment Advisory Service in the World Bank. The report showed that in Romania "import and export procedures, registering activities, and building are the fields most affected by corruption". FCD is to send the report's authors the full conclusions reached by its analysis, so that the final version of the report would correctly reflect the present state of procedures to release import - export licences. (G.M.)
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