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  Nr. 3130 de luni, 27 septembrie 2004 
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Bastroe - Ukraine defies NATO
-- Defense Minister Ioan Mircea Pascu: The National Defense Ministry has got no order to get involved in dispute
By building Bastroe canal, Ukraine wants to show it can do what it pleases, although Romania is member of the North - Atlantic Alliance, has recently stated Romanian Defense Minister Ioan Mircea Pascu, quoted by Mediafax. Romania is NATO members and this is why it must react to Ukraine's "aggressive" measures, continued the Romanian official. "We can't be so selfish and individualist and search for a solution that would only favor one partner in such relationship. I share the belief (...) that Ukraine probably wants to clearly set the border between NATO and non - NATO territory, but in the same time it wants to show they can do what they please, although Romania is NATO member", stated the Defense Minister at the end of the tour in Iraq, Jordania, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Georgia last week.
Military involvement would bring tension
When asked about the military aspect of the scandal on Bastroe canal, Ioan Mircea Pascu answered that the National Defense Ministry did not get involved in dispute for it had no order to. He also said they could only take action when political officials asked for it. The involvement of military forces in such crisis is "complex and brings tension". It only makes the game tougher, claimed Ioan Mircea Pascu. He opined it was up to political factors to decide the solution to this crisis. He added this was also up to Romanian diplomacy and civic society.
On the other hand, Pascu stated the Danube was a European river and the issue regarded all country having sea exit. "We can't look for unilateral advantages and ignore all the others dependent on the river".
Ukraine has recently placed on Danube branch Chilia, on Romanian territorial waters several buoys, positioned in the building sector of Bastroe canal. The buoys mark the entrance to Bastroe canal for ships circulating on Chilia branch, as building operations on the watercourse are going on. Romanian Customs Police hasn't started action so far to remove the buoys, in order to avoid diplomat incident. Last week, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent Ukraine a verbal notice asking them to remove "at once" the buoys placed on Romania territorial waters. Despite it, Ukrainian authorities refused to rake away the buoys. Ukrainian President Leonid Kucima has many a time stated Ukraine is not going to stop building Bastroe canal. (D.E.)
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