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  Nr. 3130 de luni, 27 septembrie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Bucharest hesitation gives birth to local monsters
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
It is high time we faced the naked truth. Romania has proved to be unable to give replies corresponding to the spirit of Ukrainian challenges. If things go on like this, as far as Insula Serpilor and Bastroe canal are concerned, there are consequences to come from four sides: Bucharest looks like some shabby force, unable to defend national sovereignty; future generations will lose miss things and therefore point to us; international community will no defend us, as long as we are unable to do it; the hesitation of Bucharest officials causes no stability, but instability in the region. It is time we brought the presidency and the Executive to the courtroom.
It is not my aim to get into details. This is up to specialists. Politicians and public opinion are completely and correctly informed on the two disputes between Romania and Ukraine: Insula Serpilor and Bastroe canal. The former is 100% Romanian territory, abusively confiscated by the former Soviet Union in 1948, by means of a written report drawn by Moscow's Embassy to Bucharest. Later on, when the Soviet Union fell, Insula Serpilor was left Ukrainian property. Even now, Ukraine is after economical exploitation on the island and after the whole continental plateau, rich in minerals. Romanian officials have been taking pains in decided to appeal to the International Court of Justice in Hague. But they are not claiming property on the island, as they should do, but only asking for the right to share the island. As for Bastroe canal, despite Bucharest's less or more formal protests and international reactions, operations have carried it out. At present, by placing buoys in our territorial waters and by ostentatiously directing vessels here, Ukraine is taking challenging action. And Bucharest is unable to react otherwise than by boring protests. What is going on? How can we interpret the powerlessness of presidency and of the government? Are we witnessing a betrayal of national interests? Or is this only lack of firmness and coherence, incapacity to decide and manage defying action?
In 1997, there was a real media assault caused by the reaction of the Opposition, that is PDSR (The Romanian Democrat - Socialist Party). AS chief of Romanian diplomacy, Adrian Severin set the negotiation session and in the end the ceremony of signing the Basic Treaty with Ukraine. It is honest of us to say this document was accomplished under huge foreign pressure. Romania had been warned that, in case of no basic treaties with the neighbouring states, there would be no NATO admission. The hasty negotiations on this treaty and the pressure on Bucharest, as the latter was eligible NATO candidate (unlike Kiev), made the hot issue on Insula Serpilor be left aside. The same happened to the heritage, in terms of the Basic Treaty with Russia. They postponed negotiations on the status of this Romanian historical territory. After 1997, Ukraine practically turned down all negotiations that would show Romania's chance. Ukraine has recently pushed it too far, speaking of intention to confer the island status of economy status and to exploit the continental plateau. Ukraine is thus breaking obligation to decide together with Romania on the status quo of the island until reaching agreement. Ukraine is also breaking international norms. But Bucharest finally reacted. How? It appealed to The Hague Court, after 24 failing negotiation sessions. It is just that Romania is unable to claim what it rightfully owns, that is the island. Bucharest officials are only able to ask for a fair distribution of the continental plateau. So that they kneel and beg for the other half of it. As for Bastroe canal, we are also incapable of reacting. What are we waiting for so that we can protect borders? Are we waiting for the Ukrainians to come and carry out Ceausescu's project on the canal reaching Bucharest? Are we waiting for them to sail their vessels in front of the Republic's House, as if they were home? If our border sovereignty is broken, we don't we act like any European state? Why don't we open fire?
Even Voronin got scared. Two years ago he complained that Bucharest relatives were crowding to Chisinau. But today he wants closer terms. But Bucharest is asleep. In the meantime, the Russia - Belorussia - Ukraine union is being created. A new empire marching on Insula Serpilor and on Chilia branch, while sealing our destiny. In case this is not betrayal, it is incapacity and stupidity anyway. A lot of both!
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