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  Nr. 3114 de miercuri, 8 septembrie 2004 
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Romanian - Ukrainian negotiations for the Black Sea plateau
Bucharest hosts today the 24th negotiation session meant to fulfil the Agreement between the Romanian Government and the Ukrainian Cabinet of Minister on the delimitation of exclusive economic area and of the Black Sea continental plateaus of the two states, informs the a press release issued by the Foreign Affairs Minister. The Romanian Delegation will be led by State Secretary Bogdan Aurescu in the Foreign Affairs Ministry. The delegation is made up of experts from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the National Defense Ministry, from the General Customs Police Department and the Mineral Resource National Agency. The Ukrainian Delegation is led by Second Minister of Foreign Affairs Oleksandr Motik. The negotiation process on the delimitation of marine regions in the Black Sea started in 1998, after the main political Treaty between Romania and Ukraine has begun to be used. The process included 23 stages, without finding solutions fit for both sides. While Romania came up with a solution to delimitation grounded on international law, practice and jurisprudence, Ukraine constantly had a maximalist approach during negotiations, supporting a delimitation option that would lead to deeply unjust outcome for Romania. The latter has recently informed intention to appeal to the International Court of Justice in Hague on the delimitation of marine areas in the Black Sea, in case the present negotiation session does not effect into a major change of Ukraine's position. (G.D.)
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