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  Nr. 3092 de vineri, 13 august 2004 
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Masonry and dynasty
-- One prince versus another
At the end of last week, the son-in-law of King Mihai (Michael) was the target of strange media attacks, after two Americans in Bucharest had denied his title as Prince of Hohenzollern - Veringen, entrusted in 1999 "ad personam" by the head of the German Prince's family. Who wanted to cause this scandal and to what purpose? The answer might come from masonry groups, as in the recent years they have witnessed dynasty intrigues, which are still unknown to the public opinion. Sources close to these groups claim that last week's incident is only the most recent one in a campaign meant to discredit the royal family in Romania. The authors of this campaign should be sought for in the group of Paul Lambrino, the self-named "Prince of Romania", nephew of King Carol the II-nd, claim the same sources. Paul Lambrino is obviously rejecting such accusations. His Press Bureau has informed us that "only the Hohenzollern family can express opinion about the use of their name and this is the reason why any other commentary is pointless". But there are some very interesting information throwing new light on the "prince scandal", which made newspapers' front page at the end of last week.
"Paul of Romania" is angry that Prince Radu Duda has shadowed his relationship with Bucharest rulers and obtained the rank that the follower of Zizi (Lambrino) longs for. The "brain" coordinating Lambrino operations is "Princess Lia", former Triff. When she was 25, Lambrino's wife was married the famous lawyer of stars Melvin Belli. The latter's will presents Lia as " a hypocrite and a mischievous person". Paul Lambrino, who managed to reach the masons in Florida due to his wife, introduced himself there as "the future King of Romania". The American masons later realized that the true rank of Zizi Lambrino's heir and regretted having been manipulated. After 2000, when Iliescu and PSD (the Socialist - Democrat Party), follower of PCR (The Communist Party) "reconciled" with King Mihai, Paul Lambrino felt his position weakening. Prince Radu's dynamism and "visibility" at international level risk to "throw under complete shadow Lambrino's group and place the latter at the outskirts of the European high class", the mason source has explained the attack. (M.M.)
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