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  Nr. 3071 de marti, 20 iulie 2004 
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Eyal Arad contested at negotiations for Israel Government
Shmuel Rainish, CEO of H.O.R. Haifa, former mayor of Nesher, stated yesterday that in his quality as member of the Labor Party, he demands the leader of the Opposition, the Deputy Shimon Peres, leader of the Labor Party, to immediately cease coalition talks, as long as one of the members of the negotiating teams appointed by the PM Ariel Sharon is Eyal Arad, the image counselor of the "Great Romania Party". Shmuel Rainish reminded Shimon Peres that in spite of the opposition manifested by Yad Vashem, the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, by the Deputy Colette Avital, and both by the Israeli Ambassador in Romania and by the press (Romanian and Israeli) that Eyal Arad has accepted to run the presidential electoral campaign for the most anti-Semite political character in Romania, Corneliu Vadim Tudor. Even if presently, as Rainish claimed, as a result of Eyal Arad's advising, Vadim Tudor makes much of an exaggerated pro-Judaism, no one believes in his acting (which is nothing more than the result of the electoral propaganda.)
Nando Mario Varga, Tel Aviv 
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