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  Nr. 3071 de marti, 20 iulie 2004 
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Current scenarios
Stir them up!
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Cyclically, every time an electoral campaign approaches, certain information and documents having diversionist nature, are put in the open by who knows who. Usually, they are meant either to reduce the degree of credibility of some political leaders, or to attack the interest groups the latter are counting upon. When these types of foul hits are conceived in some of the political parties "laboratories" and are oriented against their adversaries, one can talk about immoral actions. These are the kind of actions relatively frequent, both in Romania and in the consolidated democracies. On condition secret services don't get involved. Because there are also frequent situations when, obviously, such diversions are organized inside some secret services, either official or parallel ones. The latter function illegally. I believe I'm not exaggerating when stating that, every time such phenomenon appears, we can speak of political police facts and deeds. The political police seriously endangers the mechanisms of a democratic-type state, personal rights and liberties and affect, undoubtedly, national security. In these cases The Supreme Council for National Defense has to promptly intervene in order to find out who the persons and the forces to set the diversion are, and to convict them according to the laws.
There is nothing left for me to do except hope we are not presently facing such scenario. Perhaps a new news agency calling itself "Investigations News Agency" has simply come into being. In a rather pretentious and dramatic manner, the agency claims it represents "a service mainly dedicated to information coming from the secret agencies' area". In the mean time, the fact is the first promotional news flux deals with high-level politics and mentions that the agency would have at its disposal important sources of information both at Victoria Palace and at Cotroceni. This can only mean the agency has penetrated both the Romanian Government and the presidential institution. Or that secret services, present in both institutions, offer confidential information to a commercial press society. In exchange for a price or free of cost. If paid for, it cannot be anything but the case of bribed secret service officers. If free of cost, one has to find out what is in the minds of the respective volunteers. Do they want to use the press in order to bring to light public interest information and thus to contribute to the rising of the power's transparency? Or is their intention of a diversionist type? Or what if a new news agency, a fair one, has simply came into being?
Despite the reserves I have exposed earlier, we are nevertheless publishing part of the information of political nature - whether being true or not - that have been offered to us by the new news agency (the latter possibly being true or fake as well). If the so-called press dispatch is correct in its matter, then a series of convulsions the Power is confronting with since the fall of 2002, become explainable. Thus, the extremely tough blows the presidential staff and the governmental staff have been aiming at each other can be explained. And from time to time, even the kicks between these two, Nastase and Iliescu, respectively, can be understood more easily. And, again, under the truthfulness convention, Nastase's latest decisions to drive away some of his collaborators from the party's leadership can also be explained. But what if this press dispatch is simply an invention or a diversion? In this case is still worthy to make an exception from the rule and publish it. If we find ourselves in the case of a political police action, then we are confronting with one of the clearest sample of the dirty war. The latter has been launched from the darkest areas of our Romanian society and is solely looking for the beginning of a political state of instability. On the background of real acknowledged disagreements assumed by the two leaders, Iliescu and Nastase, occult forces might try, and up to a point even succeed, to stir things up. They might even blow up, in a devilish-like provoking attitude, what is left in one piece and viable in PSD (the Social Democratic Party) structure.
If a so-called press dispatch is correct, we find ourselves facing a serious situation, a conflict once released might create, in this fall, huge political and electoral surprises.
And if it is a diversion, is it still a serious issue. It is political police. And we have the duty to look into it and find out a truth that the respective state institutions probably fear to discover.
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