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  Nr. 3007 de joi, 6 mai 2004 
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In EU 80% of Romanian companies would go bankrupt
For the time being only 15-20% of Romanian companies are able to compete on the EU market, considering its conditions, was declared yesterday by Ion Hobana, vice president of UGIR - 1903, as there was published a study on the new industrialization of Romania with view to EU. This study was completed in 8 months by 100 specialists in research, education and business. One of the top problems identified by the authors refers to the way certificates for product safety, and product quality is obtained. Hohan has shown that, given the circumstances, at national level there is need for investments between 500 million Euro and 1 milliard Euro on certificates. On the other hand, a report completed by UGIR - 1903 and the Romanian Academy reveals that 80% of products made in Romania are not much sought, according to EU classification. EU has included in the much sought for products the IT & C products, the ones referring to environment protection, healthcare, airspace equipment and others. Stelian Dorobantu, General Manager of UGIR - 1903 underlined that since 1960 up to now economical discrepancy between Romania and the developed countries has doubled from 30 to 1 to 60 to 1.
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