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  Nr. 3007 de joi, 6 mai 2004 
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Low admission
There is doubt on negotiations with view to EU admission. PSD (The Socialist - Democrat Party) is taking a very dangerous step for Romania, by choosing Ministers Geoana and Rus as candidates. The two ministers are politicians indispensable to the foreign affairs. Minister Ioan Rus is responsible with completing chapter 24 on "Justice and Internal affairs". This Chapter is an incomplete one, which has been noticed in the evaluation report written by the EU Commission last year. The Executive has taken assignment that by June 2004 they will complete all points included in the plan PM Nastase showed to EU Representative Gunther Verheugen at the beginning of the year. 14 of these points to be dealt with by Minister Rus are not completed or implemented. The Minister for Internal Affairs cannot possibly stick to he term, as he has just started is election campaign for mayor of Cluj. Rus has promised to make election propaganda in his leisure time. This statement is at least not serious. In Cluj here will be tough struggle and much energy will be invested. On the other hand, chapter "Justice and Internal Affairs" is coordinated by The Ministry for Internal Affairs, The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and The Ministry of justice. But the issue is not taken care of, as Geoana and Rus are in election campaign.
Yesterday the Minister for Foreign Affairs showed he was entering election competition in force. His dignified image of an elite character collapsed and let us see a character in a totally different quest. Under the circumstances, we can notice that PSD has done its job on EU admission. Now its main target is to win in local elections at all costs. Even at the cost of failing to complete negotiations this year.
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