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  Nr. 2982 de marti, 6 aprilie 2004 
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Putting blame on Blair
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
The visa scandal has taken unexpected turn, which was noticed by yesterday's press. Author of the initial revealing, UK newspaper "The Telegraph" is informing readers it has got proves showing at the origin of the vast operation to fake papers there is no more and no less than an agreement between UK and Romanian PM's, secret so far. Amazing! Form several points of view. We make an analysis of the accusation. On the way this confrontation on the banks of the Thames develops Bucharest will encounter shocks.
80% of the British having the right to vote consider Her Majesty's Government led by Tony Blair to be too weak on immigration. In fact, this sensitivity causing neurosis is determined, the public opinion thinks, by the effects of the way in which UK has reacted to the so-called war against terrorism. Let us remember: the UK Government is the most faithful ally of the US in the matter; after the tragic events in September 11, both administrations announced they start asymmetric, long time war against terrorism; most of the world states have joined the crusade; but in short time the asymmetric war has turned into a really symmetric one. It has not actually pleaded against terrorists and terrorist organisations, but against some states; waging war to Iraq created hot debate and huge crisis inside Western civilisation. Up to the present terrorism itself has not been diminished. There is a higher fear of attacks, individual rights and freedom have decreased as real consequence of the state of war and as pretext for the growth in authority of repressive systems. Control on mail, travels, Internet, phone calls and bank accounts has caused frustration to all Western citizens, aware that they are forced to give up some of their rights they have fought for during decades of democracy. Frustration turns into humiliation when it gets doubled by the permanent fear of terrorist attacks. Instead of going down, the fear is increasing. More and more Europeans and even Americans, aware that terrorism must be destroyed, gradually get to believe that means used sine September 11 are not the most fit. There must be war and it must be asymmetric, that is using non- - traditional methods. But they are to change fight methods. Otherwise, mankind ends up in doing the way terrorists want: by destroying individual's freedom. Let's get back to Blair.
UK PM is shaking. The blame of the mistake with the asymmetric war by symmetric means is put on him. UK Cabinet is being assaulted by Blair's political opponents, hitting at him from all directions. The final target is defeating Blair in elections. The real pretext is the Iraq war. As for the others, London is using the same means to harass opponents as Bucharest does. The visa scandal is extraordinary occasion. As 80% of the British are scared by terrorism and want a more severe control on immigration, it is sure to be a political bomb the fact that10, 000 got to Albion by fake papers. Practised for two years, the fraud has not been noticed by Executive employees. This we can believe. We can also believe pressure on the Government must not stop until investigations discover the truth. The truth on those who got 11 million pounds bribe. But there is something we can't believe. In 2003 Blair and Nastase agreed to ease up procedures to give visas. And now in 2004 visas get sacked, on the pattern of the other EU countries. But "The Telegraph gives no evidence and I don't think there is any evidence that the 2 PM's agreed to encourage thousand people to fake papers. If it is so, why isn't there any accusation for the Bulgaria case? How come? There are thousands of fake papers for Romanians relying on the Nastase-Blair plot and other thousands of fake papers on the same network, with the same allies, but without involving Bulgaria. There is something rotten in this war against Blair. Something hitting Nastase too, in an unjust manner.
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