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  Nr. 2966 de joi, 18 martie 2004 
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Current Scenarios
Phony Repentence Gives Birth to Monsters
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
The statistics published yesterday shows a new decrease of the PRM (The Romanian Nationalist Party). Of all the people questioned, for the PRm only 10% will vote, that is 14% of the expressed vote options. As in the previuos market research, Vadim has now got a score lower than his party's and it diminishes his score to 12-13%. If he keeps the rhythm till elections, he can simply get thrown off race. Yeasterday i was trying to identify some causes of a predictable failure. Bu his hasty attempt to change his internal and foreign image, the PRM leader has released messages totally opposed to his previous statements and behavior. Anyessential discourse change during an election year can prove dangerous for a candidate. But the most serious aspect that makes Vadim's "new look" be counter productive is his failure to convince anyone of his sincerity. Both his supporters and political opponents coside the move mere demagogy for creating election effect. Why don't people believe Vadim?
It is theoretically impossible for a person to "change heart". In fact, this happens very rarely. It can be caused by madness, by a tragical event or by a highly positive one. When making the announcement, Corneliu Vadim Tudor connected his so-called change of heart, behavior and consciousness to the pain he has suffered at his mother's recent death. We can share his pain and believe his changed to the better. Until the opposite is proved. Ritually exposing his regrets and his change of behaviour towards journalists and political opponents, of course Vadim should have taken action. Fot the Romanian Senate the first serious attitude problem is his systematical absence, except for Mondays, scheduled for political declarations, when the Seneta is the main media target and attracts MP's as a lamp attracts butterflies. Proof of his respect for politicians and his own electors would have been Vadim working along with his mates every scheduled day. Even after announcing his heart cahnge, Vadim hasn't given up the habit of attending only "declarations", when he can say anything under the cover of immunity. Then his speeches are weekly published by his magazine "Great Romania".Buthis declarations too are the same in their contents, they are ful of offences and slanders about his political enemies, newspapers and TV channels. The second field Vadim plays on is the weekly pRM press conference. The discourse is also unchanged, except for the recent saying of prayers and Jew - lover statements. The rest is the same contents under a different cover. And these declarations are published by "Great Romania". The third field he plays on is this magazine, where "his hand and heart" sign for the column "The week - in brief". Here people get flooded with all the dirt, in exactly the same manner as before his declaration of good intentions. Yesterday, for instance, Adrian Nastase gor called "the cuttie, Michael Guest", The US Ambassador for Romania was seriously insulted, the writer Tesu Solomonovici was charged with insulting God, Dan Andronic, director of TV channel "Realitatea" was called a mercenary and a monkey businessman, Cristian Tudor Popescu was considered a liar and a schyzophreniac, TV channel "Antene1" was said to hire Dan Voiculescu's employees, The president of the PUR (The Romanian Humanist Party) was said "to fall on his ass", Silviu Brucan got called the last Stalinistic inhabitant of Romania, Vioral Hrebenciuc was qualified as irresponsible, Dick Morris was called an international crook and so on. I would needa triple space just to briefly ennumerate his examples, published in only 3 pages1 So people don't believe Vadin because he is a liar. So what wonders can work his famous campaign adviser, Eyal Arad?
If Vadim falls, the certain beneficiary would be drian Nastase and the potential one would be Lia Roberts. Stolojan is out of question. If the PRM loses votes, most of then would gp to the PSD (The Social - Democrat Party). Is this the reason for the strike back of Nastase and the PSD? The danse is just beginning.
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